Wednesday, June 24, 2015

R.I.P the old me.

I let go.

I am who I am.
I feel what I feel.
I think.
I gave up.
Decided on one unhappiness for another.
For now.
But hope.
I turned away.
And it hurts like hell.
Only love will do that.
If only love had done the rest.
I stopped.
Because we would have gone on forever.
And whilst my love for love would have let me, I needed to stop.
I said no.
But I wanted to say yes.
Because words I will never hear weren't spoken.
Like a spell. 
That could have only come from stars inside.
I surrendered.
Too long.
Too long.
I have to rest now.
So I let go.

I still encounter darkness at times, but I know that I am not alone. I will be carried by the strength of all those who love me, and the strength that I have gained from this extraordinary journey And R.I.P the old me.. 


Do not ever consider anyone to be small because what is small will become big someday

The saddest part of all is that is comes down to what we're not rather than who we are.

I can see the man I would need to be.

And it's not that I think that man doesn't exist.

It's just that I can't find him in me.

And no matter how hard I look, I seem to come back to

"This is all I know how to be.

Is it enough?"

But I know that it's not.

Not for you.

And I wish that wasn't true.

PS: It is more than enough, if you are more than happy to be!!!!!!!

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

My Best friends - Parts 1


Hari ni mau talk about my BFF.. hahaha! saya cuma ada beberapa kawan seja dan punya kelebihan masing-masing hehe^^ Tu di bawah haha 

First time konon bertemu masa di UMS.. masa tu  saya dan Yani (yang munungnya Red itu hihi)sudah bertemu di Matrikulasi , dia ni jiran saya haha bilik saya bersebelahan saja dengan biliknya then bertemu kembali di UMS, kami Sekampung iaitu Kg. E.. then bertemu dengan si Kakak Ida, satu block dan se'course dengan Yani..(yang pakai spekmata itu) then bertemu dengan Lina, roomate Yani ( yang ditengah-tengah haha), Then bertemu dengan si Ben (Yang disebelah I itu).. Realize that semua bermula dari si Yani@ Arbayani Ambran ni.. sy dapat banyak kawan haha.. 

Mula rapat kunun bila kami ni semua serumah di University Apartment 1. Adehyaii.. the best moment  bersama-sama dan serumah. Kami belajar bersama-sama lol.. hahaha (main ja lebih), Kami makan dan masak sama-sama kadang-kadang, Kami pi kelas ada kadang-kadang sama, tapi kami bersi rumah tak sama-sama. Kalo bersih rumah ni tanggungjawab bila rajin-rajin saja haha, berluah, menangis dan susah dan senang sama-sama.

Haaa.. my BFF ni.. masing-masing punya kelebihan yang aneh-aneh. Mereka ni super banyak idea, super scary bila datang gila, ada yang boleh jadi peguam, ada yang pengarah, ada yang boleh jadi makeup artist, penasihat, penyokong, tukang masak, engineering walaupun ambil kos keusahawanan,lemah lembut.. kikiki masing-masing dikata kakak-kakak kepada saya.. sebab sy paling mudah hahaha. looks like saya ni yang paling manja annoying dengan mereka2. Tabah oo mereka berkawan dengan saya.. But I like them.. I like them...Rindu pula dengan mereka ni tetiba. 

I'm appreciate we spend so much time together surrounded by beautiful moment. I'm grateful for all love  I've experienced in my life with you all

Thank You dearest BFF for being my Friend..

Cherish the moment^^

Love you!

Lunch di Papa Rich^^

Tanjung Aru with beloved BFF!

Si Kakak dan Yani yang Vogue^^

Me haha

Dan saya adalah sangat Angel masa ni..



Masing-masing dengan Karena haha


Yani Celebrate my birthday^^

Haha... first time berjalan seksi

Sifu Yani^^

Ben and Me^^

Idea kami.. Chocolate Vege hahahaha tabah!

Hahahaha kami yang berSPA sendiri di rumah

Yani and me.. Orentasi UMS!!


Me looks alike HAHAHA

Waktu dulu-dulu... cantik ja durang ni..
